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Art made me realize why I want to grow old.
There’s something sensual about the way Meral Alma approaches her art. “The thought of having no paints for just one single day is enough to cause a panic attack,” she says. “Every observation generates new ideas. Unfortunately, to implement some ideas, I would need to be a physicist, engineer or chemist rather than a painter.”…

Alma’s graduation painting graces the cover of the academy anniversary issue
In the first issue of the year, “feine adressen” reports extensively on the anniversary of the DĂĽsseldorf Art Academey. The cover of the 250th anniversary issue is adorned with the piece “Circus of Life I”, taken at Meral Alma’s graduation exhibition in the rooms of the academy. Her work and commitment are also discussed in…

As an artist I translate the world
Within her painted worlds, figures, environments, and stories come alive, perpetually in motion and undergoing transformative journeys. They capture raw emotions, delicate beauty, and occasional harshness inherent in these experiences. The force behind each stroke, the precision, and the dynamic interplay of colors and forms — these elements become palpable, evoking a response within the…

Meral Alma represents contemporary emotional states and thus touches viewers worldwide
Award-winning painter Meral Alma stands out for her large-scale and brightly colored paintings. She represents contemporary emotional states and thus touches viewers worldwide. Meral Alma talks in an interview with Rotary, about the “Circus of Life” and reveals what her art is all about.


About first, second and third impressions in life.
Jennifer Wiebking of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ, has taken a close look at Meral Alma’s Punks and written a cover story of several pages. She takes them on a short journey into our heads… and sets out to find our concept of beauty.

When a dress becomes an artwork
Meral Alma created the perfect outfit for the PIN.party, a work of art, right on the body of cult editor Katja Kraft.

Die Kraft in den Bildern. Andrea Greuner im Gespräch mit Meral Alma (Podcast)
Die KĂĽnstlerin Meral Alma lebt und arbeitet in DĂĽsseldorf. Sie hat schon diverse Preise gewonnen und sich in den letzten Jahren ĂĽber ihre individuelle Technik und Ausdruckskraft einen Namen in der internationalen Kunstszene gemacht. Ihr Ziel ist es, beim Betrachter intensive, universelle Emotionen ĂĽber expressive Farbgewalt und Vielschichtigkeit, zu erzeugen. Dennoch sind die Bilder selten…


In the circus of life
Life as it is – as an eternal metamorphosis of being, in which no moment is like the other

Meral Alma donates large-scale painting to HHU and UKD
 Press and intranet release HS 13 A has a new name  For release as of February 8, 2021, also as headline, press release, and in “HHU intern”  Lecture hall at the Faculty of Medicine named after Selma Meyer Meral Alma donates a large-format painting to HHU and the UKD Selma Meyer was…

The “Prize for Visual Arts” is awarded to Andreas Gursky
The DĂĽsseldorf Jonges have honored the photographer Andreas Gursky with the “Prize for Fine Arts”. In his acceptance speech, the honoree voiced criticism towards a design for the planned German Photo Institute. The “Prize for Fine Art” is awarded by the Jonges every two years. Among the honorees are Tony Cragg and Jacques Tilly. In…

A woman who brought the DĂĽsseldorf gentlemen to their knees
Meral Alma, the painter’s daughter of an immigrant family, is the first woman to be honored by the German association to which only men belonged. Last year Alma caused a sensation with the largest oil painting ever exhibited in Germany. The president of the association, Wolfgang Rolshoven, emphasized Alma’s multi-colored understanding of art and highlighted…

A painting for the Selma Meyer lecture theatre. Extraordinary doctor and pioneer honoured.

Monumental art
On Wednesday, the works were delivered and suspended. It is planned that the art will be visible at night on the station forecourt by means of a light installation. The work on the work took almost a year. The special feature is that for the first time a scenery in the classical medium of painting…

Dance of Life
A visit to the studio of Meral Alma, whose new work should be on view in Bavaria by Katja Kraft

2000 kilos of art go on a journey
The painting by the young DĂĽsseldorf artist entitled “Circus of Life” is to be hung in the entrance portals of the new 1&1 building complex at Karlsruhe train station. Each part of the painting weighs around 1000 kilograms and was transported to Karlsruhe on Monday from the artist’s studio near the art academy. An 18-meter-long…

Alma makes the greatest art
Tomorrow a low-loader will drive up to the DĂĽsseldorf studio of the artist Meral Alma to pick up her painting “Circus of Life – Act 4”.

Germany’s largest painting
A contribution of Deutsche Welle Turkey about Meral Alma’s transport of the two parts of the “Circus of Life – Fourth Act” to the new 1&1 building in Karlsruhe.

SAT.1 TV report from the studio of Meral Alma about the painting Circus of Life – 4th act. …Actually there are four pictures in one… …A crazy play of colors… …In the art scene the biggest painting of Germany is celebrated…

DĂĽsseldorf artist creates unique work
This painting plays with the light. Meral Alma probably created the largest painting in Germany.

Meral Alma’s fabulous rise
The artist graduated from Kunstakademie DĂĽsseldorf one year ago.


With Meral Alma in the urban jungle
The young artist has just completed her studies at the Academy of Arts DĂĽsseldorf. But she already is well known to the collectors. By Bertram MĂĽller When Meral Alma paints, she gives her heart and soul. You can find her on scaffolding to fill three-meter-high canvases, or she uses her hands to bring paint on…

Meral Alma paints the biggest picture in the whole country
The artist Meral Alma astonished the world at an early age. Her painting “Circus of Life – Act 4” reacts to light frequencies, which results in the appearance of four variations of the picture – depending on the frequency.

Meral Alma shines on the international art market
Young artist Meral Alma from JĂĽchen’s Hochneukirch district is making a name for herself with inspiring new works. One of her largest individual pieces is on view in DĂĽsseldorf at Kunstsammlung K21 on StändehausstraĂźe. The exhibition closes March 31. People stand in line to see a Meral Alma exhibition. And a growing number of global…

An angel for the Regenbogenland
Meral Alma donates one of her works to the children’s hospice. “It’s a typical Alma (…) We all need hope and confidence and that is what the painting conveys.”, said Peter Michael Lynen, Â longtime chancellor of the DĂĽsseldorf Art Academy. “She is a the shooting star of the national and international art scene.” Friends of…


Open Doors: Round Tour at the Academy of Art DĂĽsseldorf
Keyvisual by Meral Almas “Queen, approx. 160x210cm, acrylic on glass. 2018“ being the model for the round tour at the Academy of Art Düsseldorf.

Sharp Thinking, Beautiful Painting
A revealing exhibition at the university shows "examples of symbiotic relationships". This opens up perspectives on how arts and research in the 21st century can learn from each other. The work "Ratinger StraĂźe / Urban Life" (2.20 x 6.40 meters, acrylic on canvas) was made by the former Academy student Meral Alma.

Mega work of art went on a journey
“In Karlsruhe, “Germany’s largest picture” will be installed in the two opposite entrance portals of the new “1&1″ building complex at the station.”

Gallery Noack opens Anatol exhibition
“The exhibition is a worthy review of the extensive work of the artist Anatol and a look into the current working processes of the very active young artist Meral Alma.”

Artist Meral Alma receives praise for her monumental work
“Among art connoisseurs, the work is described as new in art history.” “Collectors often have to wait for years, before they can buy one of her works.” “Only two weeks (…) Meral Alma had presented this gigantic work in an exhibition in DĂĽsseldorf. And after a short time the monumental picture (…) had found a…

An angel finds its home in the Regenbogenland
“Meral Alma is one of the stars of the national and international art scene.” “She graduated the Kunstakademie DĂĽsseldorf as a master student of Siegfried Anzinger in 2018 with the academy letter and has already received numerous exhibitions.” “In recognition of her support, Meral Alma was also admitted to the Regenbogenland-Academy’s Board of Trustees.”

Multifaceted art
“Meral Almas current works are a play with light.” “The sometimes wall-spanning paintings captivate the eye and incorporate the viewer, making them feel as though they were part of the action.” “Works by Prof. Siegfried Anzinger’s former master student have featured in over 30 solo- and group exhibitions, both in Germany and abroad.”

These young people put JĂĽchen on the map
“Actors Julius Weckauf, Christina Schliesky and Anna Kubat from FFF, painter Meral Alma (…) represent JĂĽchen.” “Meral Alma, the young painter from Hochneukirch, is a national and international success. But she remains connected to her hometown (…).”

60 Academy graduates exhibit at the Kunstsammlung NRW
…but there are also almost old-masterly paintings like Steffi Prohaska-Stollenwerk’s tropical Flower Still Life III, or fauvist ones like Meral Alma’s colossal, melancholic Queen with her candy-hued streaks, closed eyes and cherry-red lipstick mouth…

41,500 Euros for children’s and projects in DĂĽsseldorf
A painting auction on the association’s website has been ongoing for a few weeks now – Meral Alma’s work alone has already attracted a bid of 12,000 euros. A sum total of 41,500 euros has been raised.


Official City Ceremony becomes talk of the town
The town of JĂĽchen has also been cemented in the soil, so to speak, with a plaque on the ground in front of Katz Haus. And since JĂĽchen artist Meral Alma also addresses urbanization in work, she did not hesitate to have her 4.80-by-2.20-meter painting Circus of Life (now owned by a DĂĽsseldorf collector) loaned…

Two Ministers congratulate the new City of JĂĽchen
… Mayor Harald Zillikens presented the large-scale painting Circus of Life by artist Meral Alma. At its center is a ballerina who steps onto the stage of life as a sign of a new beginning. “[It is] a life depicted in bold color and in all its many facets, constantly changing and transforming. It resonates,…


Artist Meral Alma sets out from JĂĽchen, heads into the world
Alma, who completed her studies as a master student at Kunstakademie DĂĽsseldorf this year, has been astonishingly established on the art market for five years now. Global collectors of her work wait up to two years to purchase one.

Meral Alma posts YouTube videos about art
With “Coming to Life” Meral Alma shows—without saying a word—how an idea in the mind eventually takes shape on canvas. “The film also visualizes why painting is much more than just a picture; you can see which impressions and forces flow in, how a painting gradually comes to life and why many works have this…

Ice cellar featuring art by Meral Alma
“I want to enable people to see and experience art in a different way. Not just in a closed-off museum, but in public spaces and on the street.”


Meral Alma presents her celebration of color in Erkelenz
Visitors can expect color explosions bursting with character. The space is filled with multi-part canvases that together form a single work.

The Spirit of Mother EY Resurges
For the first time two artists will perform at the “Mutter Ey-Café”.

Academic Graduate Makes Art for Mother EY
(…) Among other things, Meral Alma shows her work “Ratinger StraĂźe/ urban life” colorful and garish, a kaleidoscope between wild life, drinking and love dramas. Almost in contrast to this, her glass work is reminiscent of an introverted, exquisitely beautiful queen. HA Schult says: “A tough, young woman, an artist, the world has not seen…

Cancer Foundation Benefits From Art Sale
36 students and graduates of the Academy created paintings for the New Year's auction. The picture of the artist Meral Alma ["Untitled"] achieved the highest price of the auction this day.

When Hinkel Swings the Hammer: “EY ♥ DĂśSSELDORF”
At this time of the year, Josef Hinkel is not only to be found in his bakery but also around celebrating carnival. But on Sunday, he put on his suit and he swung the golden auction hammer at the New Year's auction of art designed by students and graduates of the Academy of Art DĂĽsseldorf.…

Artist from Hochneukirch Designes Art Car for BMW
For the very first time Meral Alma does not only design paintings on canvas or other art work, but also on an object with four wheels.

Round Tour at the Academy of Art
Since 1970, every year at the end of the winter semester, the round tour at the Academy of Art DĂĽsseldorf takes place. Numerous students show their own personal theses. In addition to video and room installations, there are a lot of paintings to see. This week it is time again.

Between Science and Art
Anyone who thinks of Leonardo da Vinci will immediately have the creator of famous paintings, such as the Mona Lisa, on his mind. But Da Vinci was not just an artist - he was also a scientist: a physician, an engineer, an architect. What is strictly separated from each other, some people unite in one…


Commerzbank in Neuss Shows Heart and Art for Unicef
By the way, those who currently pursue their money transactions in the building of the Commerzbank on the market will meet world-class art, which you presumably suspect in a museum, but not in a customer hall: works by Tony Cragg, GĂĽnter Uecker, Rita McBride, Qui Yang or Urs LĂĽthi. In every sense the Commerzbank will…


Female Students Arrange After-Work Party
At some point when - as so often at night - she still was working on one of her large-format, colorful, figurative paintings in her studio, in room 104 of the Academy of Arts in the Eiskellerstrasse, alone amidst buckets and brushes on, she came up with the idea of arranging an Internet portal of…


Meral Alma Paints with Children and Shows Her More than Six Meters High Art Work
The artist Meral Alma, who grew up in Hochneukirch, now follows very big shoes and exhibits her art work where well-known artists like Christo, Penk, Uecker, Beuys, Immendorf and Morgenstern have stopped off. Her exhibition "Stadtleben", with her biggest work in oil and acrylic, started now in the Städtische Galerie in the children's playhouse DĂĽsseldorf.…

Art Day for Young Painters
At this event with the artist Meral Alma, the kids could give free rein to their creativity.


Fresh Colors Add a Touch of Spring
Until 3rd April the Städtische Galerie presents the art works made by the young artists of the Academy of Art Düsseldorf

Bright Colors in the Townhall of BĂĽttgen
4 artists from the Academy of Arts DĂĽsseldorf are presenting their art works in an exhibition.

Arty Hearts for Unicef: Exhibition in the Main Branch of the Commerzbank
Arty Hearts for Unicef: Exhibition in the Main Branch of the Commerzbank

The WDR at the Studio: Artist Meral Alma from DĂĽsseldorf
At the turn of the year Mr. Dr. Biesler for the cultural program (Scala) of the WDR 5 visited me at the studio. Enjoy listening.

Artist from JĂĽchen Won Art Prize Two Times in a Row
The young artist Meral Alma from Hochneukirch is riding on the wave of success. On Thursday, she will receive the promotional award of the international company Mercuri Urval in DĂĽsseldorf for the second time.

Traces of Time Captured with the Camera
Portraits designed also by an artist from DĂĽsseldorf with Turkish roots: Meral Alma. The art work shows colorful heads in mixed media that combine painterly-pasty access with contour-conscious graphic style. The captured expression of the depicted faces is serious, masklike, even threatening. Raw-art structures reminiscent of the painting style of a Jean Dubuffet.

Mercuri-Urval Scholarship: Meral Alma ist Awardee of the Consulting Company Mercuri Urval
She studied at the Art Academy DĂĽsseldorf in the class of Prof. Siegfried Anzinger and was selected for the scholarship during the round tour in 2015.

On the Trail of Urban Life
The artist Meral Alma focuses on figures and their stories. Her exhibition “Blickfelder” will be opened in the "werkstatt".

Symbol of Charity: 23 Artists Presenting their Hearts for Unicef
The heart as a symbol of charity and puts the spotlight on an exhibition presented in the Commerzbank Aachen located TheaterstraĂźe 21: at this exhibition 23 international artists from 23 nations show heart for Unicef.

One Heart, Many Themes: Unicef Exhibition in Hilden
A special exhibition is presented at Commerzbank in the MittelstraĂźe 52: Hearts made of spruce wood, designed by famous artists from all over the world. After touring through Germany, the unique art works can be auctioned and the proceeds will benefit the children's charity Unicef.

Hilden Presents Art Hearts for Unicef
23 artists from all around the world have designed a heart made of wood. This exhibition can be visited in all big cities of Germany (2016).

Hilden Presents Art Hearts for a Children’s Fund
23 artists all around the world have designed a wooden art made of woolly wort. This exhibition will stop in all big cities of Germany.

World Press Reports Dated June 26th, 2016
Under the headline “For poor children” the Deutsche Welle reports that artists from 23 countries participated in the "A Heart for UNICEF" relief campaign with a heart drawing. Amongst the artists: the Turkish painting artist Meral Alma, who lives in Germany.


This is the Heart for Unicef from JĂĽchen
Meral Alma from Hochneukirch belongs to the 23 international artists, who have designed “A HEART FOR UNICEF”. The exhibition in Düsseldorf also presents hearts designed by Günther Uecker or Tony Cragg. All hearts will be sold by auction.

Meral Alma
Meral Alma was born on a sunny day in August. She holds a master's degree in German and Sociology from Heinrich Heine University. Since 2010, Meral Alma is studying painting at the Academy of Arts DĂĽsseldorf. Since 2012 she also is a PhD student at the Faculty of Philosophy of Heinrich Heine University DĂĽsseldorf.


Artist from Hochneukirch Paints for the KĂ– Arch
The awardee Meral Alma arranges an exhibition in the DĂĽsseldorf Airport City.

Meral Alma and Fabrizius2 in a Live Interview Talking About the Current Exhibition
Meral Alma and the Fabrizius Twins talking about the round tour at the Academy of Arts in 2014 and their exhibition “Perspektivwechsel”


Artist from JĂĽchen Presents Her Art Work at the Academy of Arts
Meral Alma from Hochneukirch presents five art works during the round tour at the Academy of Arts DĂĽsseldorf. About 40,000 visitors are expected. Until February 23, she also participates in a group exhibition near the Academy.