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27.09.2018 – 27.10.2018: Meral Alma “UTOPIA”

Meral Alma creates a place of ideal perfection “UTOPIA”. Individual portraits, form an assembly of humans, a formation of community that tells a new story that transcends this assembly. The faces and figures that come into being are not casually coming by, but concrete people, who call them on the screen and bring them together.

Place: CONZEN, Benrather Str. 8, 40213 Düsseldorf-Carlstadt

Duration of the exhibition: 27.9. – 27.10.2018

Vernissage: 27.9.2018, 18:00 – 21:00

Opening hours: Monday – Wednesday 10:00 – 18:30, Thursday 10:00 – 19:00, Saturday: 10:00 – 16:00